How To Measure Your Health

measuring your health
Jennifer Burk

Are you worried about your health? Whether it’s your oral health, your gut health, or heart health, you wouldn’t believe how many people are actually in denial about their wellbeing! Honestly, there is no time like the present to get your health on track with a healthy diet and exercise. If you want to measure your health, start by recognizing where you’re falling short and think about what changes you may need to make.

1. Assess When Your Last Appointments Were

Sometimes we get caught up in our daily lives, so much so, that we don’t remember important things like our self-care and health appointments. If you want to get yourself back on track, start by determining when your last appointments were: primary care doctor, dentist, OT/PT, or any other specialists you may need to follow up with.

2. Get Your BMI (Body Mass Index) Checked

If you’re looking for a literal way to measure your health, have a look at your BMI first. Of course, most people will tell you that the BMI is now out of date – and they’re not wrong. However, knowing whether or not your BMI is healthy and correct will help you to mitigate any increased risk of work related diseases. This can include things like type to diabetes.

Talk to your doctor about this as they will be able to give you the best possible advice.

3. Consider Age-Related Needs & Changes

An unhealthy lifestyle can really leave your body thinking it’s a lot older than you actually are. If you’re dealing with creaky knees in your 30s, then chances are, your weight is too much for your frame.

There are increasing numbers of young people developing typically middle-aged diseases like Type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and this is often attributed to being overweight, doing too little exercise, and having a very poor diet. Your biological age isn’t necessarily the same as your birth age, so make sure you speak to your doctor.

4. Measure Your Waist

All of your vital organs are right around your waist area, so if you’re carrying extra weight, it can make it hard for your organs to do the job properly. This is the reason that so many people develop Type II diabetes – their health is not great and they have too much visceral fat around their organs. If your waist is measuring too big (94 cm for men and 80 cm for women), you may need to make some changes.

5. Assess Your Blood Pressure

Your blood pressure indicates the pressure of blood along the artery walls, and high blood pressure means that the walls are receiving too much pressure. This can increase your risk of heart disease and strokes. Go to your doctor to get this measurement (or even at a local pharmacy or store in some areas!) and learn how to bring it down.

Featured Image Credit: Jennifer Burk
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