5 Hobbies That Support Your Mental Health

Vlada Karpovich

Everyone has different hobbies and passion areas. These preferred activities can be creative, physical, academic or simply relaxing. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, or simply want to support your mental health more intentionally, here are a few simple hobbies that you can take up and add to your schedule. It’s time to take better care of yourself, starting today.

1. Consider Joining A Sport Or Team

Physical activity is very beneficial in promoting a healthier you. The great thing about physical activity is that it helps to release endorphins in the brain! This can boost feelings of happiness, while helping to significantly reduce both anxiety and depression. If you want to start taking part in more sporting activities then one thing you can do is spend some time outdoors hiking or you can even sign up with your local gym (and with a friend so that you don’t feel alone!)

2. Pursue Something With Music

Music can have a monumental impact on your mental health. Believe it or not, music can ease your anxiety and it can also help you to reduce stress. Listening to music can give you a lot of happy memories, and the benefits don’t stop there.

It’s also very easy for you to enjoy a sense of accomplishment when you learn an instrument. If you want to learn guitar, for example, then there are tons of gadgets out there that you can invest in, to help boost the amount of fun you have! There are all-new looper pedal models that make learning even easier. Perhaps you might consider learning an instrument, joining a group or class, or simply adding more music listening to your day-to-day.

3. Learn To Paint Or Do Art

The great thing about painting is that it gives you the chance to be creative! You will also take pride in what you create and become more in-tune with another side of your brain and yourself. You don’t have to be a professional painter in order to enjoy some of the many benefits that come with this hobby, and on top of that, you may also find that it opens new pathways for you in the art world. Besides painting, there’s pottery, sculpting, pencil/sketching, water color, graphic design, animation, video creation, and much more!

4. Pick Up A Book

Reading is one of the most relaxing activities out there! And it is one of the best ways for you to relieve yourself of stress. Reading helps to transport you to another world, and you may even find that you can let your imagination run wild too. Consider spending more time at the library, perusing an independent book store, or even joining a book club for company along the reading journey!

5. Start Journaling

Journaling gives you a (safe and healthy) way to express yourself, reduce stress, ponder difficult decisions, and decompress from daily life. If you are struggling to cope with depression or anxiety, journaling is a useful tool to keep record of your feelings and work through them (both independently and if you share with a therapist or trusted loved one). 

The great thing about journaling is that it helps you to work through situations that could be causing you stress, and it also helps you to create a plan so you can resolve any negative situations as well. If you have a tough job, or if you are under a lot of pressure then this is a very good hobby to support your mental health.

Featured Image Credit: Vlada Karpovich
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